Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
Maybe you should take a step back and breathe a bit.
Noone said "we were going to kill them all". He was talking in terms of potential. Humans have the potential to destroy the world if they want but of course that is foolishness. In that respect, we are the superior species because of our technology and intelligence. We are even superior because we choose NOT to destroy the Earth and there are plenty of people who help it rather than cause more problems with it, despite that technology.
So really, calm down.
Some people do help. Most don't.
The people that help are the superior in our species. Like I said, if the WHOLE human race was like that, I wouldn't have any problem calling us superior.
Did I ever say that any specific person was inferior (with the exception of that dumbass, whom shall remain nameless, that said "we're superior because we can kill them all")?
If you take a look around, we have been destroying the world without even realizing it since we became a "civilized" species. Even things we now KNOW destroy the world, we continue doing.
Take, for example, hunting. Sure, they can claim that it's about keeping down the populations of the animals they hunt, but if humans hadn't killed off half their natural predators, then we wouldn't have to use population control. now would we?
On that topic, why is it that we think we can get away with population control on other species when we can't even control our own.
That's one of the reasons for this thread as a whole, no?
...Of course, the best population control we have is one of the only things humans do that no other animals do. You know, killing each other...
I heard a perfect joke that works QUITE well in this situation. I believe it's by a comedian named Eddie Izzard (spelling in question...).
I quote:
For some reason, when we have a dog, we get away with the constant 'BAD DOG!' comments. Think about it. "Bad dog, bad dog. You stole a biscuit. Bad dog."
Of course, the whole time the dog's looking at us thinking, "Bad dog? How am I bad? You humans have had suicide, homocide, genocide, and general slaughter of your own species, among others. I just ate a biscuit. How am I the bad one?"
"... Good point. Here, have another biscuit."