Thread: Long Distance
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(#214 (permalink))
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TokyoRain (Offline)
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08-12-2008, 02:52 AM

I've found it does work, I have a Korean guy who I am sorta dating. It's only for certain people though, if you tend to be a little demanding or assume things to easily, it most likely will not work.

And the thing about them being older is sort of a load of. I mean a 20 year old dating a 45 year isn't good but if it's 10 years it's not so bad but you have to make sure YOU are ready for that because the relationship will be different, you also have to make sure you are both of majority age (which is why I'm only sorta dating my Korean guy because the age difference is over the consent age and the majority age)

"If I could follow my heart again it would be yours
with every breath I would find a way to love you more"
~With You by Josh Groban

"With you I have everything I have ever wanted. Simple and true. With loving eyes so beautiful." ~ With You by Josh Groban

Last edited by TokyoRain : 08-12-2008 at 02:56 AM.
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