Hi everybody!
I just arrived at a student's house on the outskirts of Hiroshima, where I live, and I saw what I thought was a fig tree in her garden full of unripe figs...
Turned out it was not a fig tree at all - and when I checked it more closely I saw that the leaves were the wrong shape.
What tree could it be?
Just for fun I thought I'd run a little competition and offer two copies of a large format dual text Japanese/English story book that has just been published by a charity I work for (part time).
Book Title:
Stories Connecting Hiroshima and Hawaii
Theme: A grandfather and grandmother each tell their stories of how they immigrated to Hawaii and how their family survived WWII and what happened to them afterwards.
I found the stories fascinating. The characters are fictional, but based on the testimonies of people the author spoke to in Hawaii.
ANYWAY, I'm offering two copies of these new books FREE to people who post their answers on my blog at:
Notes From The Tiger's Cave