Posts: 742
Join Date: Aug 2007
08-12-2008, 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by QuoyaNatsume
I think your friend will make some lucky woman very happy when he becomes a grown man
But I unfortunately have fallen on both sides of this fence before T_T I was blind 2 wat was right in front of me & he was blind 2 wat was right in front of him. So yea it goes both ways but only the smart ones relise it before it's too late & loses the chance to make the "better" decision!! 
He's a good guy but he doesn't always make the best choices
Originally Posted by rina26
Majority of the self proclaimed "good guys" I've met just creep me out. They lack social skills to properly talk to people, especially women. They end up portraying some stalker-ish image and then wonder why women aren't attracted to them. It's all the women's fault for not finding them attractive, nothing wrong with them. Sure they might treat women like they're queens but seriously...maybe it's you. Let's not blame the women for everything.
eh this isn't about being a good guy and I have no problem geting a girl XDD nore do i asumme I'm a good guy i do things that can be considered me one but not always and i do treat them right which for some reason the girls around here seem to get a kick out of like they have never been treaated like that before XDD
Originally Posted by usako1991
guys don't really realize this. I have a guy friend that i liked for about 5-6 years now and he knows that i like him, but then he likes my sister who isn't interested and it makes me think too much... rawr
both men and women try to look for something like in a fairy tale so they go for the others who they "Think" could be their true soul mate but they don't see that the true soul mate is in disguise. whoa i watch too much drama LOLs^^
If you like him and he knows it ask him to go out then if he rejects keep tring untile he says yes or convince him that your really into him, and not in a sexual way either cuz he may just use you then >>
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