Thread: Alice Nine
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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08-12-2008, 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel View Post
Okay so I was like, on the bike today and yeah like always I need to walk everyday, and I crossed the road, and I had ofcourse rainbows on, and almost crashed against a car when Hiropon his solo came XD...

And I also got the same question now n_n~....

oh.... no... so, we can blame Hiro!!

I think I need to message him. seriously.

Originally Posted by adina View Post
omg I'm a killer,I suicide so many people *rofl*.
But heeey if you wanna die again ... I'll take full responsibility
now DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mwhahah XDDD.
myvfan@because he grew up and he's not hanging with Shou anymore -pats pon's butt and runs away from daidai-

and omg Saga is killing me with his cuteness.He posted so many pics with him *giggles*
and did I mention Shou's crotch is back XDD?

you are...

oh... Shou keeps people from being hot? o_O

oh... *covers eyes* I don't wanna die....

oh... where can I see these pics.. is he without makeup?

oh. can I see?

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....
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