08-12-2008, 10:03 PM
Okay then. A quick word to the guys from a girl who spent all her time with you instead of other chicks.
As smart as women believe they are, we all have the tendancy to be the most blind, deaf and dumb things you ever met. We're short-sighted, we can't take it when dealt, we make mountains out of molehills, we can take something and link it to you cheating and not thinking we're pretty anymore, and most of us are extremely self-consious and constantly worried about are image, weight, hair color, etc. So from all the chicks who can realize this, I'm sorry we never notice you, but Salvanas does have a point.
You'll never be wanted if all you do is whine.
 There comes a time in every anime fangirl's life when you just have to say to yourself...
"I will not lick the computer screen."