Thanks for sharing, and I just heard iron penis qigong at
The penis Qigong can increase the local blood circulation and promote the endocrine function of the testicles. In addition to the function of advancing sex, this Iron Penis Crotch also helps strengthen and keep the male hormone —which thus also contributes to protein synthesis, supply energy, resist fatigue, prevent con-senescence, tone up physical force, strengthen immunity, and beautify skin.
Several days ago, i attended a Chinese kungfu forum, and happened to know a number of young guys are sharing their iron penis qigong practising experiences, and what's worse, they even dared to sharing their practising videos with each other, and i had to escape, and it was not until days before that i heard in a martial arts book that this iron penis qigong really works as miraculously as advertised.
Dare try it? lol...