Originally Posted by jeresan
Hi..thanks for the reply.
Just want to double check, do ya think that I would incur greater costs if I were to travel on local for the first few days, as compared to using my JR pass once I touch down?
It really depends on how much traveling you will be doing, and how much of it will be on the Shinkansen. If you first trip is to travel from Narita to Osaka, then you might as well get yourself a 14 day pass. Single trip from Narita to Tokyo is around US$30-45 (If I remember correctly), then from Tokyo to Osaka is going to be around US$150. Then you have your other local ones which will cost you around US$20 a day. That with a 7 day pass will be well over US$400, while a 14 day pass is just little over US$400
We need MMM, Nagoyankee and a few other locals to confirm the numbers, but I think they should be close to accurate