Originally Posted by NikiTheDark
Apologies in advance for picspam!
I like to splash out with Visual Kei, Gothic Lolita and Elegant Gothic Aristocrat type fashion. Here's me in goth-loli mode:

For general day-to-day wear I like to dabble in emo-ish/scene styles at the moment although I wouldn't say I'm emo or a scene kid! I just adopt elements from those trends that I personally like and mix them into my own personal style. Here's me being relatively 'normal', lol:
I like to cosplay too, although I haven't done much cosplaying of late. My favourite character to cosplay so far is probably a cyber-goth/visual kei variation of Chun-Li from Street Fighter 2:
With more authentic-looking wrist cuffs:
kool.so people here DO cospaly! i thought i was the only one.
since i'm new to this site, i guess i should be paying more attention to my oun threads.!