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Henbaka (Offline)
Dark Passenger
Posts: 472
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Tokyo
08-14-2008, 08:15 AM

First off: welcome.

When I went to Japan for my first (and only) time three years ago I was anything but disappointed. But I didn't have any preconceptions about it being some kind of utopia dreamland, I guess I've just always regarded it as "very different".

My reasons were just to go out and see some of the world, after finishing highschool (lotsa people, if not most, here take a year off between highschool and univ. That is, if they go to univ.). With that mindset, it's hard to get disappointed.

I wouldn't ever want to give up my swedish citizenship. But I do however expect to some day move to another country for work, if not for life than atleast for several years. I second the opinion that I don't care about being a citizen in said country, as long as I can stay and work.

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