Originally Posted by Feng
my name is Feng and i'm absolute begginner in japanese and all i know is konnichiwa ogenki-desuka? watashi ha Feng desu. sayonara.
So you see i'm really crap at japanese so please can any one help me with everyday language and slang pleease. arrigato.
Hey Feng
(Nice name btw...
) I was in your position a few months ago, and I found that site that I posted a link to in the message RIGHT before your first post, and it helped a LOT....
Stuff like that is good for the basics. then once you've got a basic understanding of Nihongo and how it works, it's best to use forums such as this.
And also, if you want, you can contact me on AIM (my screenname is listed on my profile) and I'll teach you some stuff on that, although i'm not an expert. =)