We need more mommies in this place! I mean, I'm not one
I love being around babies, I seem to be pretty good with children cause I just don't ever get bored of playing with them, which is good cause it's really freaken hard to tire them out and they can just go and go for hours xD
I know what I'm gonna name my first, but I'm not telling cause I don't want anyone else stealing my idea
Originally Posted by rina26
I've been having a really bad time with morning sickness. I've been basically stuck with bed rest for my entire pregnancy so far.
Awh this sucks for you
But, it'll go away eventually. I heard the first weeks (up to the middle of the second trimester) are worse than when you're on your last trimester, so from now on it can only get better, I believe
Are you gonna attend childbirth classes?