Thread: Study/Living
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(#58 (permalink))
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Crea (Offline)
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08-14-2008, 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by rina26 View Post
Well in your case it does make sense. When speaking with another bilingual, I do admit we end up speaking some hybrid at one point or another. And I understand when sometimes there is no english/japanese equivalent. It doesn't really annoy me, I just don't understand it.
Haha well I'm glad you know what I'm talking about then. And ah yes, bilingual was the word I was looking for....but then again, I'd hardly call myself bilingual lol.

Haha and I totally know someone who does that -chan thing! So I make it point to never use his name plus -chan. Actually to think of it, convos with him are always laced with random anime phrases I've never heard of...Hmm maybe I should make it a point to not talk to him at

But that "Mr. John Smith" reminds me of a time I referred to myself as "___san" over the phone. And it wasn't a friend on the line, but a receptionist or someone, but at least she laughed lol. Needless to say, I was mortified. But never made that mistake again!

And Henbaka....*sob sob* I know, I's me, it's always me. It's always my fault! Will you EVER forgive me??? Sigh, I can't do this anymore, I'm off to repent for my wrongdoings...

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