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Nyororin (Offline)
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08-15-2008, 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
I lived near it, flew in and out of it several times, and never once heard it called Kyoto Airport. It's the Kansai International Airport.
It is indeed - but every once in a while some tourism group talks about changing it`s name or at least it`s "unofficial" name to Kyoto International Airport. It pops up in the news every once in a while. I don`t think anyone ever takes it seriously, and I seriously doubt they`d ever actually change it. But it seems like whenever there are figures pointing out more people flying into some other airport, they say "Well, foreigners don`t know what Kansai is! They`d fly in here more if it had a more familiar name. Most people go from there to Kyoto, so that would be more appealing for tourists."

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