Hello there. I'm new here, just started yesterday I believe.
I heard about this play from Otaku I think
But anyway, I'm really interested in getting to know you all
It's been awhile since I've been on a fourm, but I'll get the hang of it.
I just thought I'd go ahead and tell you all alittle about myself:
RN: Amanda
Age: 19
Status: Married
Location: Tennessee (I'll be amazed if anyone else here is from there)
Hobbies: Drawing, role playing, writing, surffing the net, making new friends (why I'm here) working, sleeping (yeah talk about a clash) swimming and txting. (I had to get a new phone after the othe three I crashed x.x')
I'm sure there's more but seeing as how I'm new and rather shy about all this I can't think of anything else at the moment. But it you ask questions I'll be happy to answer them. I'm looking forward to meeting you all soon.