Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel
a bit OT, but
are they also comming to Europe by any chance? like close by the netherlands?;3,
and you are lucky XD...
And I drawed last night too long aswel, like till... 5:30 am or something XD
yea, but i always sometimes go off topic... you should check out my lolita thread... always off-topic... lol
i will check if they are coming to europe, but not that i know of, cause they are coming here to promote Uroboros *their 7 full-length CD ^^* they will be in the US/Canada until like march, then they will be touring in Japan for a while... i will update you when i know more.... they are my fave band, so im always up on the info... (man, that waas off-topic also >.<
lucky? why?!? lol
i started at 4 then i finished it at about i think 5-ish... it didn't take me THAT long... ^^