Originally Posted by CoolNard
What are these people's main reasons for discriminating against anime or categorizing them as cartoons besides not even attempting to watch them?
Ignorance really is the only plausible explanation, I believe. People simply don't give Japanese anime a proper chance - they sit down and watch
one episode of
one single show for like
five minutes, then decide that they don't like it and that all anime is just like Western cartoons. Very annoying.
Selective perception could be another explanation. People only see what they want to see. And what they want to see is something that fits with their preconceived ideas of what anime is about. A person with the idea that anime only revolves around pointless, gory violence will obviously only pay attention to these aspects (rare though they may be) of a show or episode when they watch it.
Originally Posted by CoolNard
Anyone ever changed someone else's mindset prior to anime other than fuu..? o.O
Part of the reason I started watching anime was that I wanted to learn Japanese. My mum initially made fun of me for being near twenty-five and watching "cartoons", but I just shrugged it off and the other week she (out of sheer curiosity, I reckon) actually sat down and watched an entire episode with me. I dare even say that she enjoyed it.
Originally Posted by CoolNard
Hmm.. there are some anime-lovers who didn't use to love anime initially.., sooo..., am i describing anybody here? =P
Yeah, you're describing me, for one.
When I was younger I used to poke fun at the so-called nerds in my class who read manga and watched star trek and stuff, until I started dating one of them. He completely changed my mind about what it meant to be nerdy.