Tired Philosopher...
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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02-28-2007, 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Samael
Haha, oh I can't stand knowing things and not being able to say. :3
Did anyone else freak the hell out when theEND took down the 909? I thought Holland died, and at the time it was like 1:00 in the morning and I had to stop myself from yelling "F**K!!!" so I didn't wake the whole house up.  Then I saw he was okay and I had stop stop myself from yelling "YES!!! THANK GOD ALMIGHTY HE'S ALIVE!!!".
That still remains one of the most badass things I've seen a character do. Bum rushing theEND like that when you know you don't have a chance. That's why I love Holland so much, he's the most selfless, isane and relentless character in the series. !..! >_< !..!
Oh, trust me, my sister and I did our share of loudly hushed yelling...lmao.
Holland is by far the most interesting character on E7...although Moon Doggy is frikken hysterical...remember that whole thing with Eureka and everyone thought she meant sex? And Matthew and Doggy gave Renton those magazines....my sister and I were DYING from laughter...!
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....