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ShibaInu (Offline)
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Unhappy 02-28-2007, 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by kristina View Post
I think the saddest part about Japan, however, is suicide. Suicide happens everywhere but Japan's suicide rate is higher than that of any other country, and not just adults- children are taking their own lives too. It's totally incomprehensible for me as to why 12 or 13 year olds would do such a thing... I think we can all play a little part though, just by taking the time to talk to Japanese people, Japanese kids and by opening up ourselves, make them see that it's okay to open up, confide in people and ask for help. Not just in Japan either, but the world over.

All the world needs is LOVE.

Peace xx
I tend to agree with you kristina on this suicide phenomenon in japan...There was even a popular manga which was made into a film about suicide...i believe it's Jisatsu Sakkuru, also known as 'Suicide Club' or Jisatsu Circle (2002)...i think this movie was also discussed on another thread somewhere in this forum...i've also read that there was even an online site or something like that where japanese can meet so they can commit suicide in groups...

In old Japan, committing suicide like harakiri or kamikaze attacks are considered honorable...but nowadays, i don't think japanese folks are driven by this same kind of honor when they commit's indeed very sad...
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