Originally Posted by SunkenShip
Are you a parent?
Do you have boys?
Trust me, this is a testy issue in the States with some people.
When I changed my son in front of a friend of my spouse's, she gasped and asked me when I would be getting him cut. When I replied: NEVER, she was disgusted and proceeded to tell me how it's gross to be uncut.
That's just one example, I've had several experiences here like that and I don't want people talking that kind of junk around my son when he gets older and if he gets involved in sports.
No, I'm not a parent, but yes I am male. Been living here in the states since I was 8.
And I think this "issue" is just like any other, a matter of preference. Its like discussing guys w/ pierced ears, some may think its "disgusting" and most others won't care either way.
In my own opinion, to sum it all up, cut = like a dried up mushroom, uncut = as it should be, as all animals have had for millions of years, obviously if it wouldn't be needed, evolution would get rid of it itself...