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(#63 (permalink))
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Hisgashi (Offline)
Posts: 96
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: UK.
02-28-2007, 05:14 PM

Japan hasn't always got British weather. After all, that part of Asia (Jpn,Korea,Chn) Are pretty hot. After all, they all have air conditioners...hehe, anyway Japan is a good place to those who think it is and those who don't. It's a matter of opinion. Imagine my country is under attack by non-stop terrorism...but I still might like my country. You guys might argue all day, but there really is no point. I'm not surprised Jpnese kids put 100% effort into their work. They're brought up strictly in those parts.....(In china too but this is a japanese forum.) Their country is one of the most modern so it is always busy too. And now Im losing my brain cos I don't know what Im on about so....
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