Thread: Alice Nine
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adina (Offline)
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08-18-2008, 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
@ adii... I don't think the others did look weird.
LOLZ dir en grey looked hilarious and not to mention gazette
I love Aoi the most but his pee-blond hair.And I can go on *sighs*
so is the same with alice nine. >_<"

OMG this sucks big time.I have a poster with them but it's from Neo Genesis and I don't want to ruin the magazine just to put it on my wall O_o and the stupid Popcorn won't put an alice nine. poster >_<"

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
Aww I would never chase you away, lovely!<33

But yeah, Hiroto's not skinny, he's buff! *__* Well, he is skinny, but buff, at the same time, I dunno. XD
I need to see more shirtless pictures of him though... *giggles*
Awieeee *squishes daidai* <333
Hiroto looks good,he's well built,his body I mean XD
Oh yes,we'd love to see that -sighs dreamily-

Originally Posted by kawn4 View Post
This pic is actually to show how skinny saga was right?
Can i also add something XDD [saga is beautiful in that pic ;X]
Yep that was the point but you're right,he is,he always was
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