Originally Posted by MissMisa
Done ~ For anyone else who wants to critque it and help me out, it's above
Well I don't see much wrong with it. It's a generic CV and it looks fine.
Why you may not be getting replies is because at the end of the day, a lot of the time the person who takes a look at your CV is human. So its a lot to do with human error and judgement. A lot of the time they might misplace or just not bother with a CV, just because they have so many to sift through.
For that scenario you need to contact the place you want to find a job at, twice. If you're lucky after the first call you'll be on their radar and they'll at least consider you.
Asides from that, it also depends on the type of job you're looking for. I take it you haven't joined an agency for this sort of thing cos you're too young?