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(#85 (permalink))
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Miyavifan (Offline)
I Support DBSK always...
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Join Date: Jun 2007
08-18-2008, 09:38 PM

ok. Obviously you misunderstood. there a lot of popular groups, and if she doesn't like the popular ones, there's alot she can't like. that's what I was saying.

I will post pics soon.

@ lizzey
I was just going through some posts at the beginning, and you mention them always speaking German, but not always English. I did read that they learned English in school, so they've at least been speaking it for quite a while.

I am unable to post pics right now, cause I have again, limited time, and also right now they'll be out of order. I will post them tomorrow for sure...

But at least here's my concert report:

Tokio Hotel concert

Well, I didn't get there til after 7:30. I don't know the exact time I
got there.

When I did get there everyone was already inside. That worried me a
bit, that maybe Tokio Hotel had already started playing.
I was told they didn't start yet, though. So, that made me not worry
about that at least.

And I still had time to ask around to get amount I was short for a
shirt, and also to actually buy the shirt,and have time to put it on,
before the show started. I don't noramlly ask people I don't know for
money, but there's no way I was going up to the stage, without a shirt.

I didn't get as close to the stage as I would have liked, but I was
pretty close, and during the show kept trying to squeeze my way
through people to get closer to the stage.

Next time I will make sure to be there at least a couple hours early,
if not more. I want to see Bill really close up. *blushes*

{warning.... occasionally, slight fangirling ahead}

Bill was so cute, especially when he smiled. Even his teeth are

Sometime during the concert, I got splashed with water by Bill.
(He had asked if we wanted water, or something like that.
I can't remember his exact words)

They were all good, but Bill was the best.

I can't remember all the songs, but they did Scream, Monsoon,
1000 Oceans(I am quite sure),and Durch Den Monsun. I think they also
did Rette Mich.

I will search for a list of the songs they did at the concert.

At times Bill wanted people to sign along, which I did, even though I
didn't know the words sometimes. I figured them out. Even one song I
never heard, it was easy to pick up the words.

At the last song, when he said it would be the last, I felt like
crying.(I have no clue where that came from, especially considering I
didn't like them at all to start, before listening to some songs of
theirs(on youtube), and his voice bothered me when I listened to
samples at Hot Topic-the listening station)I'm not sure why either.
I was just feeling sad,I believe, because the time went so fast.
It wasn't nearly long enough.

He I think said it was their first time in Minnesota.(He said St. Paul,
to be exact)

He also said he or they (I don't remember his exact words), would be
by our sides. so sweet....

I got almost 70 pics and stuff.

They also did By Your Side... (ok, this is the song played after he said the thing two sentences above)

I definitely need to look up a list of the songs they did.

It turns out the guys could be seen when getting onto their buses.
I'm guessing leastways, as I had already left, not having any idea that
would be possible, and when people started screaming, there was no time
to go back, to see them. I did get to see their buses drive off, and
get video of it. But I'm still super bummed.

And did I mention Bill's hair? no? well... His hair was massive.
Oddly, though when I first saw his hair like that, in this picture, it
was just scary to me. (not like horror movie scary, but just scary)
But I don't know, somehow now I really like it.

Sometimes when he sang, his voice was still high pitched sounding, like
1 or 2 times. It was ok though.

oh... and pics and things were tossed into the audience, but I wasn't
able to catch anything.

I really wish they could have done a meet and greet/autograph signing
thing, but Myth doesn't really lend itself well to that.

oh, also... they did 2 encores... I only remember the song for the second one, which was Durch Den Monsun.

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....

Last edited by Miyavifan : 08-19-2008 at 12:32 AM.
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