Thread: Circumcision?
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08-19-2008, 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
What's your medical training? Medical doctors are using SIDS as a way to justify...? I'm not sure staistical data backs you up.
Do a search. Go to your library and pull up medical journals (ETA; Specifically helpful is Paediatric Respiratory Reviews - they gather studies related to their specialty.) if you don`t regularly read them. Visit the open library at our local hospital. You`re also invited to speak to the countless specialists I personally know who are involved in international studies on reducing infant apnea in children who are clearly predisposed to it.
I also suggest contacting groups involved with following infants with lung and breathing difficulties after discharge.

My son suffers from these conditions, so I think that I have probably done a LOT more research into the area than the majority of parents... And likely the average pediatrician.

And sleeping with your parents may be seen as acceptable in some cultures, but that doesn't make it good. Kuru is a disease that came from eating human brains, but they thought that was the right thing to do. (great examnple, huh? ) I don't think it's particularly healthy for a marriage to sleep with your parents until you move out? this is also in a country where there is a lot of evidence that 'sex-less" or love-less marriages are a problem.
I can say the exact same thing in regard to not sleeping with parents. It isn`t as if the US is a shining example of successful and happy marriages - isn`t the divorce rate 50% or more these days? Isn`t the running joke in the US something along the lines of getting married means no more sex?
I don`t think that kids have much to do with things in either country.

The kids should be the focus of the family. everything is about making sure they will be healthy and successfull. But not at the expense of the marriage relationship. I think it's just as healthy to show a child that mommy and daddy love each other and that there are sacred, intimate parts of that relationship that are not shared. sleeping together is a mysterious hint of that to children.
And that is your family view, you are welcome to it. I have never intended to criticize your choices, as I have no right to comment on them. I`m not part of your family and do not know you personally.
I will say that I do not share that opinion, and I believe that sleeping with my son has certainly not hurt any relationships in our family. Marital relations have not changed. We have a big bed.

Kids can learn thier parents love them from other ways than sleeping together until thier adults.
Yes they can. That doesn`t mean that sleeping with their parents is a negative thing.
Someone can go through life getting all their necessary nutrition and calories from some specific set of foods... That doesn`t mean that there is something wrong with someone who likes variety.

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Last edited by Nyororin : 08-19-2008 at 08:47 AM.
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