Thread: Circumcision?
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(#51 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
08-19-2008, 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Do a search. Go to your library and pull up medical journals (ETA; Specifically helpful is Paediatric Respiratory Reviews - they gather studies related to their specialty.) if you don`t regularly read them. Visit the open library at our local hospital. You`re also invited to speak to the countless specialists I personally know who are involved in international studies on reducing infant apnea in children who are clearly predisposed to it.
I also suggest contacting groups involved with following infants with lung and breathing difficulties after discharge.

My son suffers from these conditions, so I think that I have probably done a LOT more research into the area than the majority of parents... And likely the average pediatrician.

I can say the exact same thing in regard to not sleeping with parents. It isn`t as if the US is a shining example of successful and happy marriages - isn`t the divorce rate 50% or more these days? Isn`t the running joke in the US something along the lines of getting married means no more sex?
I don`t think that kids have much to do with things in either country.

And that is your family view, you are welcome to it. I have never intended to criticize your choices, as I have no right to comment on them. I`m not part of your family and do not know you personally.
I will say that I do not share that opinion, and I believe that sleeping with my son has certainly not hurt any relationships in our family. Marital relations have not changed. We have a big bed.

Yes they can. That doesn`t mean that sleeping with their parents is a negative thing.
Someone can go through life getting all their necessary nutrition and calories from some specific set of foods... That doesn`t mean that there is something wrong with someone who likes variety.
Point taken.

Two things. Children deffinitely do impact the romantic aspects of a marriage. Almost any couple will admit how hard it is to find the time and place let alone energy when they have children,

Also, apnia has not been accepted a s the main cause of SIDS. At least here, it is unknown completely why it happens. However, the most accepted theory is suffocation and/or heat. MY knowledge comes through casual research as a parent and training on the issue as to how to invetigate a case of SIDS which included clinical aspects. It seems the jury is still out...
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