Originally Posted by Paul11
So you think Japanese person, family or culture can be summed up in one sentence?
That was rediculous.
The statement stands as one statement about one aspect of one topic.
Christ almighty, do people really just look for things to fight or argue about in these threads? Is it possible to have one discussion where thin-skinned people don't assume a post is an attack or where someone doesn't turn a discussion onto an argument?
Good grief! I was only joking, hence the smilie I used at the end of the statement. I'm literally offended that you would think I'd literally be
that stupid!

I figured, based on my posts, you'd know me better than that and that I wasn't serious, then again, I can see how things online can be misconstrued and misconceived, even when, imo, the person is obviously joking.
Edit: Oh...never mind. I just looked at my original post to see how you got that notion. I forgot, on this board, :lol: doesn't create the laughing smilie, like at the other ones I go to. How about I correct that post, so that you'll get I was joking?
Originally Posted by SSJup81
Originally Posted by Paul11
I know what co-sleeping is. Most people I know do it. In case you forgot, American is a diverse society, especially in California where whites are the minority and where most people I know have relatives or parents who came from all over the earth. It's very common here. Most of the self-soothing stuff I read was really outdated - The Dr. Spock stuff that my generation was raised with.
And when did I say this isn't a cultural issue? I'm a cultural anthropologist by education and training. One of the cultural differences is that American culture respects and expects self-sufficiency. In Japan the cultural group and family is more close-knit. The American style of dependance does not work in Japan. The Japanese style doesn't work so well in America either - a child raised that way in the states would be considered weak.
Once again, you took some pretty general and innocuous ideas, from someone who has always expressed respect to you and solidarity on several issues, and blew them out of proportion. This issue is by no means a central issue to anything.
Please don't assume people are either stupid or attacking your posts.
You know, by that bolded sentence there, I guess I'm a Japanese person trapped in a black person's body. 