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fuu (Offline)
blargh whatever
Posts: 411
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08-20-2008, 12:26 AM

My children are a little younger but I understand what your saying. My boys are 11 and 8. schedueling does work and also rewards for behaving correctly and loss of priviledges*ex:computer, video games, phone, etc...* when fighting. I also take time out for each one of them each day even if its only a few minutes to spend time individually. Just me and one of the boys and then me and my other son. Letting them know that they are individuals as well as siblings. My children fight but are the first ones to defend or protect their brother when the other needs it. Fighting is normal because each person is unique and growing up with siblings is a excellent learning experience to learn how to get along with people of all sorts of personallities. So it might be tough now but as they get older they will still value each other as family.

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