08-20-2008, 02:02 AM
@everyone- yes we get off topic, there isn't a prob with that though, as long as we get back on topic... EVENTUALLY... lol
thank you for the comments about the drawings and my new sigy!! ^^ it does match what we were talking about, thats why i made it!! ^^
school sux, but i go back in almost 13 days, it will e 13 tomorrow...
fan fics are cool, but i need to get a LJ account, then i can meet cool people, since im not supposed to have a myspace... *shhh, i do anyways!!!* lol
Love you all!!! will have that pic of hizaki ASAP, and im doing ANOTHER one of Reita, from The GazettE... prolly finish it tonight, than will get them both up tomorrow!!! TTY all SOON!!!!!!!!!!!