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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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08-20-2008, 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by marikogr View Post
Hello Everyone. Please, it is extremely sad and upsetting the fact that so many people wish to die before their time comes. I know and I agree with the fact that the world is cruel, life is brutal, no justice at all. There is a system that is forcing us to live in a certain status which if we do not reach its standards, we are considered loosers by the society. But that system is WRONG!!!! Please prevent yourself from the fake brightness cause it is a big trap!!! We kill our soul and our being genuine and humane by being that vain. Everyone is special, we all deserve and can have our place under the Sun and as long as we are on this world we must fight before we pass to the other world. Devoting ourselves to all this lifestyle mass hysteria brings us to a dead end. I know that we all die and it is the only certainty in life, and yes some people wish to abort and run away before meeting the final destination, so they choose their own way for leaving our world but I believe that we owe ourselves the dignity, since we didn't create ourselves on our own, to die fighting and not in bitter sorrow and sobbing. Noone is going to tell anyone how to live their lives (of course not in a way that harms other people). We need to resist by starting to love and appreciate ourselves, the way they are, first in order to be able facing the difficulties of life and then to know how to love other people. Love is perfectly simple. We feel alone but also not alone. Loneliness can be transformed into a shelter where we and ourselves can communicate or rest and enjoy the harmony of peace. It doesn't necessarily have to be a level of Hell. Whatever lifestyle this system is trying to enforce, we have the choice, yes we do, to resist to all this and JUST GET TO KNOW OURSELVES first. And also be gratefull of what we have. We take for granted some things like ex. going to the toilet on our own. It is not for granted if we think about the people who are disabled and they need help to go to the wc. This thing which we don't even consider at all, could be a constant Calvary to some of our fellow people. The world is not around each one's ego. We are all parts of the world. I strongly believe that people who commit suicide they regret it the moment they do it but it is too late to go back so they sumbit themselves to death. No matter the way of killing, either it is affecting only the person involved or worse others also pay for it, it is an issue that is tending to be epidemic and this is rather worrying. Also in Greece the rate of suicidals is increasing...
Forgive if I have tired you with my thoughts.
Have a great day and Take Care
Many Redards from a Greek
Aww nice sentiments.

Truth Hurts

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