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(#98 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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08-20-2008, 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by Dora View Post
I don't think there is anything too scandalous about wanting to make your eyes look a bit different, it's not permanent surgery or anything and it doesn't mean she's not proud of her own race. It's not like she's trying to actually become asian (unless she's dying her hair and altering skin colour too); it's just experimenting to achieve a pretty look- isn't that the object of any make up wearer, regardless of whether they also want to look slightly more 'oriental' or not?

btw, i don't have any tips on how to do it- im crap. I just wanted to put my feelings out there...
There is nothing at all wrong with wanting your eyes to look prettier, but saying 'I want my eyes to look Japanese' is something unachievable because they are not. Looking pretty isn't always the point of makeup, anyway, maybe people like to just be creative with their styles and just achieve a different look to what they normally look like, which isn't always neccessarily prettier.

In any case, no makeup will make your eyes look asian. Makeup could potentially make your eyes look prettier, but nothing else. That was my point ^_^
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