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(#103 (permalink))
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Dora (Offline)
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08-20-2008, 04:01 PM

I believe the words used were 'more...japanese', not japanese. Therefore, she just wants to try another look, she's not saying she wants to become japanese or that she wants it to look so authentic she would get mistaken for an asian person.

And i think perhaps, a professional make up artist, the ones who do cuts and bruises and add wrinkles and stuff for theatre/tv could do a pretty good job at making it look pretty close to real so who knows, maybe not 'impossible' and maybe worth bothering.

Anywho, this is nit picking and i have no real advice to give to the poster so i am just taking up space. Meh.

p.s, sorry for all the use of 'she', it's incredibly rude.


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