Thread: Any JLPT book?
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OsakaPapa (Offline)
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08-22-2008, 06:44 AM

You can jump right to the one you want I'm doing the JLPT 3 in New York this year, and I've never done 4.

In terms of preparing for it, one of the best things I can recommend is to download old JTPT tests from previous years. While the questions won't be the same, it'll give you a really good indicator on how you measure up to that level I tried to search but I had a hard time finding them @_@ but they are out there, I promise!

I did stumble across this though:

Also, if you have a facebook, start using the application called Kanji Box. You select the level of the JLPT you're going for, and it'll quiz you on tons of kanji/vocab you need to know. It's great!


- Studied in Tokyo for my 2007 Spring Semester. Lived in Ota-ku in the Ontakesan area. Pics can be found on my Facebook. Feel free to add me ^_^
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