Thread: Alice Nine
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adina (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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08-22-2008, 06:01 PM

myvfan@ I donno *ponders*
cause I don't know how tall Miyavi is -shrugs-

Originally Posted by crazyjrockluver View Post
would that be to short for a girl??
where'd you find that! O///////O sexy~~!! >/////////////<
to many thought

Heeey not having dirty thoughts about Shou are you???
MINE -spanks-
haha~~ kiddin',or not XD
Well I don't know from where I have it,probably from lj *ponders*

Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel View Post
@ jrock;

@ Adii;
we need to spread more shouu luve...
loookies adii!
shou and tora!!;3

Yes we do!!! SHOU is made of love -cuddles him-
Awwww mah babies <3.
They look so good together <3
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