Originally Posted by Alkindus
yeah I feel you dude.
cool thing is that Gouken(or his master you know the oldman that teached ryu/ken etc? maybe Gen to) is going to be in it. Feilong, Dan, Akuma the rest are all in it plus the new characters like Abel etc. there are already 20 `characters announced so I'm guessing there will be atleast 24(with luck 30 if they add oldies like Deejay/THawk/Cammy etc) characters because the developers said that they will add atleast 1 3rd strike character(so maybe Makoto is in this). the new boss seems to be a direct copy(move wise) of Urien/Gill....
shit is going to be multiplayer heaven.....
Oh I see...
I was under the impression that only 16 characters were going to be in it. The 8 original characters plus 4 bosses and then another 4 new characters. Crimson Viper, Paul, some really fat guy and someone else...
Well that sounds a lot better if you're right. Good that they're going to bring back at least one fighter from 3. I'm hoping Yun or Yang.