Originally Posted by betaryu
one question
not offensive
are you german
because german people say ja
and ja means yes
and I have never heard a american/english person say "ja"
and have nevver read "ja"
when youre not german then please forgive me for my dumb question
and if you are german then answer this
von wo kommst du?
where do you come from?
>_< omg sorry for not replying. i only scroll down to the last post and reply so i missed your comment totally. @_@ sorry! ich entschuldige mich.
no, i'm not german, but i was born there when my parents moved there for a few years. So i do know some of the language. ^^ which would explain the 'ja' i sometimes let loose from time to time. and kudou is a guy. lol, since you were wondering. (kudou is also a guys name).
and egal means..um..."all the same"
basicly means the english term 'equals'. from the latin derivative. ^^