JF Old Timer
Posts: 348
Join Date: Nov 2007
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08-24-2008, 05:54 AM
yea I see ur point XD
Mally probably thinks that she can draw more fans to her as well..
Well I wouldn't want Naoto to change her overall appearance though XD The weird-ness suits her well ^_^
As for Jyou.. I think she's attracting both gender closer.. (it may sound a little wrong.. but I guess she can't help it eh? ;X) She just has the power(if you understand.. XD I'm bad at words -_-;
Omi is just fine like that.. haha XD I don't know what will become me if she gives more.. ;X(I mean her style and attitude -_-;
Edit :
the European tour dates and venue is out ~
Check here ^^
Last edited by kawn4 : 08-24-2008 at 12:58 PM.