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Join Date: Aug 2008

08-24-2008, 01:47 PM
I'm on L's side...I still like light...it's just that he kinda does a few things that scare me...
Originally Posted by animelover32
I've been dying to know. How does Light or Kira, become Ratio? I see that all the time and it has been bugging the hell out of me. So how'd Light get the name Ratio?
"Raito" is "Light" in phonetic Japanese (anotherwords how a Japanese person would say "Light", since they have no L in their alaphbet.) That being said "L" is "Eru"...another reason besides him needing a disguise he uses the names Ryuga Hideki and Ryuzaki...no Ls to translate in those names...lol. 
To those who Loved this World...and knew friendly Company therin...this Reunion is for You.
-FF 7 Advent Childred Dedication
Answer me, if you can
If you cried when L died, paste this in your signature
*~13eyond-13irthday~* (this is my fav lil thing and I found it on http://www.deviantart.com
Last edited by LLawliet : 08-24-2008 at 01:52 PM.