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Senbee (Offline)
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Suggestions for crazy J-movie? - 08-24-2008, 09:02 PM

I have been watching a lot of Japanese movie lately and I have to say I am loving them. The best ones are those that you watch for 2 hours and then think about for a week haha. I am talking about those movies where you have to think about life or others that just really screw with your mind.
My favorites so far are:

Suicide Club 1,2
1 Litre of Tears

All four of those made me think a lot. Soo basicaly I am asking you if you know any other titles that really put you into deep thaught. Any genre works (thriller, drama, horror etc.) as long as its mind blowing xD.

Please share your favorites, so that I can watch and disscuss them with you.

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