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(#13 (permalink))
NTREEG (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 49
Join Date: May 2008
08-25-2008, 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Cyclamen View Post
This guy talks about his "method" based on FlashCards.
Flash cards can be helpful, but I don't think it was the key for his success. Anybody who can speak basic japanese, spent 4 months there and studied 4 hours a day for six months can make it!
Persistence. A lot of effort. Tenaciousness. Those are the only methods that really work.
I think it depends on what your goals are. That guy was trying to pass an exam with only a few months of preparation to cram 5000 vocabulary words. I find myself in almost the exact same situation he was in this time last year. I've been in Japan for over 7 months now, study for 4 hours a day, and I'm no where near 2kyuu level. I almost resigned myself to not taking the 2kyuu test this year, but reading about that guy's method has given me hope. This week I just started doing it exactly the way he did. People say spaced-repetition works wonders. I'm hoping for a miracle. :-)

Wish me luck.
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