Originally Posted by StripMahjong
はい、難しいです。 時々文法を調べなくてはいけませ んけれど、単語のほうが調べなくてはいけません。 単 語はすごく覚えにくいで、いい覚え方はまだ見つけませ ん。
いつもそうしてみたいだけど、いつも調べなくてはいけ ないことを読みます。
でも、悪いことじゃないかもしれません。 文法か単語 を調べた後のときに、もっと覚えやすくなりますから。
そうですね。 単語は実際使った時が一番印象に残りや すいですよね。
(あ、「直接」を調べなくてはいけませんでした。 )
ちなみに 直接 の反対は 間接(的) です。
はい、いつかしましょう。 ジャパンフォーラムはチャ ットがあったらいいですね。
My Chinese co-workers have been out of the country the last few weeks on business. They should be back soon, though. I'll be sure to ask them when they get back and let you know. Sorry to keep you in suspense!
Sorry, I didn't mean to rush you or anything.
Recently I meet a few Chinese people who are working at the Chinese restaunrant near where I work.
But, unfortunatelly most of them can't speak Japanese nor English...
So we use KANJI to communicate. Kanji is very usuful!
Hmm...but how do you make kanji for a name that isn't Japanese? Do they make up their own, or do they use existing kanji?
mmm, how can I explain...
For example,
Can you guess how to read this name?
I could guess, but I wasn't sure how to read it, cos
those kanjis are not commonly used for names.
plus, as you know each Kanji has a few ways to pronunce.
So it makes reading those kanji, especially when it comes to someone's name can be very hard.
The answer is Adam アダム。
If you want your name in Kanji, I will help you to make it!
I think there are people like that in every country. In my opinion, if you don't like something about your home country, you should try doing something to change it. Giving their children non-Japanese names is not going to change their country.
I agree.
But that's why that mother is planing to get out of Japan to live in a foreign country.She wont even try to change Japan, cos she seems like she looks down on Japanese people.She has a friend who married to an Australian and now moved to USA, she used to say how wired Japanese are.
Wow... Do a lot of Japanese guys like to date girls who speak English, or was he unique?
People who is able to speak English can be very populer in Japan anyway.
I am not a very beautiful one, but a few Japanese guys asked me out when they found out I speak English.I don't know if there are a lot of them, but I can say there are quite a few of them.
I used "quite a few", but I don't really know if it's a right word,
I am confused about "the quantity".
which is more "a lot" and "lots"?
"many" and " a lot"?
"quite a few" "a few" "some"...
It's very hard.
I like it when a woman doesn't wear makeup. I feel that's the "real" them.
Hmm, that's exactly what I was talking about! That's why I prefer no makeup.
She must have worn a LOT of makeup for her boyfriend to not recognize her, haha.
I saw a few girls who has no eyebrows, at the gym.
They were trying very hard to draw a new ones.
I thought they were very まめ to do all that stuff every day.
No, I didn't! I wonder why?
To each their own, I guess.
What does " to each their own" mean?
I couldn't find "each" as a verb in my dictionary.
This could be interesting website for you.