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(#13 (permalink))
Saffy85 (Offline)
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Posts: 39
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Birmingham, UK
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08-26-2008, 12:21 AM

Let me get this right.

Your studying at university for a degree in? But once you get that degree you wish to jet off to Japan and try and live out some dreams you have?

Please take a cold shower and wake up. I do not mean to be rude or try and hate on your dreams (we all have them), but for you to think you could just step into Japan and become the next Speilburg, it is a bit of a doolally dream.

Firstly, there are thousands of young Japanese in the film industry, what makes you think the Japanese would want you as a director when there own people are there to fill the job role (and majority of them would be as good or better than you, plus they have more backing from thier own people so movies would gross more than you would). The same goes for your other choices, why would they want to break a westener (who is new and unheard off either side of the world) into the Music or Photography scene. When there are thousands of native Japanese perfectly capable of doing this.

Secondly why not try to gain employment in your degree field?

Finally you do not have to jet off to Japan to fulfill your dreams, try it out in the USA (or wherever you live) firstly, if you have sucess then you could take that sucess along with you and stand a chance in Japan.

Basically, teaching is probly the best bet outside a good corporate job. If you have no experiance at teaching, why instantly dismiss it? Try it out first, if you like it stick at it, if not move on.
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