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enyafriend (Offline)
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08-26-2008, 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by nijiro View Post
It says in the bottom of my post, please correct if I'm wrong.
I tried to write in my sig, if I make a mistake, please correct.
Please, don't just tell me I'm wrong, tell me why it's wrong, and tell me the correct way to do it! Otherwise you're not being helpful at all. :/
I don't mean to sound authoritative, just trying to help as much as I can.
Japanese people, like Masaegu, takes pride in their language and hates it when someone comes along and butchered them. And I can't blame them for feeling that way either. Other than that, he's quite a helpful chap in solving Japanese problems. He's just probably a little under the weather.

I can see that you are a Japanese learner and will help you with your sig here.

ニジロと申します。 どうぞよろしく!
While this is not wrong, the standard polite way of introducing yourself would be ニジロと申します。 よろしくお願いします。

しなさい is very wrong here. That would make you very rude and authoritative. Instead of asking for "please correct me", you turned out to be demanding that "you correct me!" 
しなさい is very often used a mother to her kids, or you to someone below you in age and level.
もしミスがあったら、どうぞ訂正してくれませんか。is one way I would say it.

私は、とても上手じゃなくて、こっちにIMしてください juffabeast それから、日本語を一生に話しましょう
The proper way to speak in Japanese is either it is in colloquial or polite, but never mix colloquial words with polite words together in a sentence.
While the rest are polite words, こっち is colloquial here and unsuitable for writing use.  
一生 に is very wrong here. It means forever, in a lifetime, or for life.
一緒 に is the correct word for together.
>>Let's speak Japanese for life (forever and ever)
>>Let's speak Japanese together

とても上手じゃなくて >>> そんなに上手ではなくて
とても is very
そんなに....ない is not very

I hope that clears things up a little.

Hokkaido e ikitai........
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