Fanfiction writer.
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Join Date: Jan 2008
08-26-2008, 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Hisuwashi
Aww ^^ Yeah it's true though. T_T
Mainly out of laziness. We used to have a really strict French teacher (She was like half French half Portuguese) who really made us work. Before that no-one really ever bothered. I guess it's thanks to her though that I'm so good at French, eh.. 
But I would like to go to the Netherlands one day. Anyway.. maybe I should leave this topic now...:/ since I don't understand half of what's going on. lol
Gosh that sounds annoying O_O;;...
Hehe ;D where do you want to go then?;3
dw, we are talking about racism on schools etc.
@ Charz;
damn dan had je het vorige week bij ons moeten horen -_-..
Er werd keihard geschreeuwt op straat om 3/4 uur s'ochtends.. bleken dus iets van die hang kinderen te zijn van 15/16 ofzo...X_X
With this, I LFA. Aint no member anymore from JF.
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