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(#10 (permalink))
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chryuop (Offline)
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08-26-2008, 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by enyafriend View Post
Japanese people, like Masaegu, takes pride in their language and hates it when someone comes along and butchered them. And I can't blame them for feeling that way either.
If that's the way they feel, avoid going to a forum where there are people trying to learn Japanese.
I too go to a forum where there is people trying to learn my language (Italian), but I surely don't act as an a$$ because they don't speak my language. I never laugh at them or act superior. They make errors and I help them to correct the errors. I encourage them to speak Italian even if it is gonna be full of errors. I even voulonteered to spend time on MSN talking to them and helping them.
I know in that forum some people will butcher Italian, some will introduce many Spanish words coz they think they sound the same and they are the same...but having pride in my language doesn't mean treat students of my language like poor idiots.

Sorry, but as a student myself, Masaegu has no excuse...above all when he was kindly asked twice to help and both times he acted like a real jerk.
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