08-26-2008, 07:23 PM
Here's another. I wonder if anyone reads them anymore and just doesn't post anything? hmm. Oh well. I'll still post them even if no one's reading ^_^
これは僕の自決だ (This is my resignation) (Kore wa Boku no Jiketsu da)
I'm done
I'm gonna keep going though
I'm through
But I'll do it all for you
これは僕の自決だ (This is my resignation)
That you'll never know I made
これは僕の革命だ (This is my revolution)
That I know will soon fade
I'm sick of it
Of you and them and this and that
Of him and her and she and it
But I'll keep going on and on
I'm trapped here where everything means nothing
I want to be where you are
Where nothing means everything
愛してる時、君に口走る (When I love you, I'll tell you)
「これは僕の自決だ」と ("This is my resignation")
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....