Originally Posted by CoolNard
Yes... but the question here is *how*, exactly? O.o
You mean "how" as in "how do we get adults to watch anime?" Well, you got me, I have no idea...Though, I suppose advertising is one factor that contributes to anime and cartoons being construed as "children's entertainment". If anime was advertised by regular magazines and newspapers (and not just by children's mags and in comic books), adults would obviously take more notice of it. TV advertisments would obviously have to be broadcast during "prime time" (in the UK, for instance, this would be between 7pm and 11pm approximately) when more adult viewers are likely to be tuned in. The content (in terms of humour, storyline highlights, themes and underlying messages etc.) of the adverts would also have to be "intellectualized" to suit adult tastes. Changes such as these could make anime more appealing to adults, I suppose.
Well, since you put it that way, I wouldn't say they're covering up their actions with arguments, more like, excuses. Hence, their justification isn't valid.
I agree. The argument/excuse that non-animated films and tv shows are more concerned with reality (i.e. that they are less "fictional") than anime doesn't hold true. That said, it is clear that anime provides a different lens through which reality can be
observed. For instance, I've always found animated violence less icky and off-putting than non-animated violence, probably because the former involves two-dimensional, computerised figures beating each other to a pulp, whereas the latter includes
actual people beating each other to a pulp (albeit with the aid of hollywood make-up and special effects). It's just easier to take things to the extreme in anime without overdoing it. I guess this is what "opponents" of anime/science fiction mean when accuse anime/sci-fi fans of "shying away" from reality... Then again, tv watching in general is about escaping reality in some way, right?
We are knowledgeable of this, but are our sci-fi-loving counterparts?
I think they are aware of it, just like us. What they have yet to realise is that their interest in human psychology and emotional development is something they actually have in common with - not something that sets them apart from - soap opera fans.
At least, that's depends on how lucky we are and what we hope for.
If you have confidence in yourself and what you do others will too eventually, I strongly maintain that. The problem is that many anime fans nowadays
expect to be made fun of all the time; consequently they interpret most - if not all - comments sent their way as an attempt to scorn or belittle their interest in anime. If anime fans chose to regard potentially demeaning comments as an opportunity to inform and attract others to the world of anime, they would probably be rewarded with curiosity and respect, rather than continued mockery.
No problem, I share the same sentiments therefore, it makes a whole lotta sense to me.
Great minds think alike, they say.
Gee, loong post. Sorry if reading it has made your eyes bleed. Heh...