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(#82 (permalink))
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Henbaka (Offline)
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08-28-2008, 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
Yes, they may be getting paid for it, but that doesn't necessarily mean they enjoy it. Think of the many people who must endure embarassing jobs in order to pay the bills. They work by their own free will, but, nevertheless, they may still hate it.

As for the 'photography session', I guess I understand what you mean. I think I just imagined it to be a little more perverted.
If they're simply posing from a distance, I guess that would make a little more sense... (But still a little weird)

I think the real "upside" to visiting a Maid Cafe would be that (a) you have a place to meet people of similar interests, (b) you get to eat/drink and (c) you are surrounded by young women in dresses whose primary objective is to please you (which, if you're a guy, it shouldn't be hard to sense the significance).
Well, haha, there's alot of people (everywhere) not enjoying their jobs... As long as no real abuse is involved it's fine imo. About the "master" thing or whatever... Well, there are servants everywhere. You don't see people going "oh those poor english butlers!!"

I don't see what's so perverted about a photo shoot with some model in a certain uniform? Even if she would go nude it would just be a nude photo shoot.

Edit: Yeah, ear cleaning seems kinda far out... haha. Then again, I wouldn't clean people's toenails either (pedicure).

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