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(#89 (permalink))
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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
08-28-2008, 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Henbaka View Post
Well, haha, there's alot of people (everywhere) not enjoying their jobs... As long as no real abuse is involved it's fine imo.
That's fine, but I simply disagree. I like to shed a bit of compassion in my lifetime.

I don't see what's so perverted about a photo shoot with some model in a certain uniform? Even if she would go nude it would just be a nude photo shoot.

Edit: Yeah, ear cleaning seems kinda far out... haha. Then again, I wouldn't clean people's toenails either (pedicure).
First of all, I don't understand (if you're as mature as I believe you to be) how you can't see the potential perversness in random strangers taking photos of women whom they'd only met at a cafe.
Secondly, as I'd just previously explained: I may have had the wrong impression of it, initially, and I would have less of a problem if they were conducting the shoot in a less perverted manner than I was invisioning.

As for being in the nude... Well, I can simply respond to that argument by pointing out that nude photoshoots are mostly formally done by professionals. Otherwise, it can easily just be considered porn.
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