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(#144 (permalink))
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ChisaChi (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 183
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Australia
08-29-2008, 02:22 AM

A friend of mine who got in this year put down all Kansai region placement requests, and got sent to Kagoshima - although that's our sister city and if they wanted a CIR from Perth I think there's only a couple that got through from here.

I'll probably be getting my grammar nazi boyfriend to read through mine... and maybe some of my friends. I think it would help to get some comments from people who have been through or are familiar with the JET application process though, because it really isn't like your average job application (at least not any that I've experienced!).

I guess highlighting events that demonstrate your flexibility etc during your stay in Japan is what you need to do? I'll probably be mentioning something about my conversations with people in China, which consisted mostly of them saying 'okay' a lot and much wild gesturing XD Then bonding through our common language of kung fu!

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